Hello! I am Gilbert Guerrero. I am a creative professional and design leader with experience across a range of organizations, including startups, ad agencies, boutique design studios, nonprofits, and large corporations. I am skilled in using the Design Thinking Process, collaboratively leading cross functional teams to guide them to creative solutions that achieves results. I am an expert in human-centered, cross platform design for Mobile, Web, and Internet of Things (IoT).
Currently, I am seeking a new role as a Director and Manager of Design. I am passionate about customer outcomes and making a change in people's lives. I want to bring my years of experience to bear to drive innovation and good design. And I want to do it while developing my team—mentoring and guiding them on their career journey.
I currently reside on the sunny side of the San Francisco Bay in Oakland, California, with my family and a small flock of chickens.
For more about my work, see my online portfolio.
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Take a look at my résumé and share! My résumé includes detailed descriptions of my work experience. A few of the companies I have work for: